Holy Communion
We at Faith United Methodist Church have an open communion table where all are welcome regardless of age, faith, or denominational affiliation. Holy Communion is celebrated the first Sunday of every month.

Faith United Methodist Church embodies a spirit of warm welcome to all who enter its doors. Each Sunday morning, we greet members, visitors, and newcomers, embracing all in the spirit of Christ, as he instructed us in Matthew 18:5, "Whoever welcomes a little child in my name welcomes me."
We seek to connect people with God as we live out our faith by displaying enthusiasm, encouragement, generosity, and concern for others in fellowship activities, community involvement, mission support, and worship. This vitality warms the winter months and blossoms during the spring and summer as members, friends and visitors arrive to worship. Please come and worship with us.
Rev. Dori Collogan


Holy Baptism
We at Faith United Methodist Church believe that Baptism represents the new birth in Christ Jesus and is a mark of Christian discipleship. We practice the baptism of infants, children and adults. Persons interested in Baptism should contact Rev. Dori.